Classroom Jeopardy

You probably have used some sort of a Jeopardy Game template in your classroom to review for a test, or quiz your class on various topics. I used to think PowerPoint was the best, but adding all the slides took a really long time, and all the clicking from slide to slide was tiresome.

Be sure to download and use this. I hope this saves you time and helps your students have fun while learning!

This is an improvement on my previous version. Here is what is included in the upgrade:

  • Audio help files to help you navigate all the features.
  • One page question, answer, and value entry. You can now change the value of the questions if you’d like to create a Double Jeopardy board.
  • Up to 5 teams can play at once to make it more interactive and engaging for the whole class.
  • Scores are kept for each team, correct answers get positive points, incorrect answers lose points.
  • Final Jeopardy allows teams to wager available points.
  • The Jeopardy theme music is available to heighten the excitement of the final Jeopardy question.
  • There is a reset button to reset all the scores if you’d like to play the same board with multiple groups.
  • There is a reset button to delete all the questions and team names.
  • There is a reset button to add sample data to assist you in remembering where questions, answers, and team names go.
  • There is a “read me” resource available further explaining some tips and hints, including the need to allow macros.



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