Out of one, into many.

As many of you have heard, I have accepted a new position in the Technology Department that begins in September 2016. I will be stepping out of one classroom, into many.

I wanted to let you know that I plan on keeping my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed active to continue to connect with the Mukilteo School District Community, but the content will be changing.

The changes will move from a classroom topic format to an educational technology topic format. I plan on sharing resources that will help teachers, students, and parents navigate the district provided technology and also share new resources.

As I am excited to try something new, I will miss the classroom and working with the Mukilteo Elementary Community. I am really looking forward to working with students and staff, district-wide. I also will be checking in with former Mr. Tepley students, as I get to work in various school buildings.

Thanks for all the support in my classroom role for the last several years. I have truly appreciated everything. I look forward to working in my new role and continue to make a positive impact on students, staff, and families in the Mukilteo School District.

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